Create a New Path Forward

image representing buy a brick to shape our path forward

Will you take part in leading the way?

When you donate a brick you are creating a legacy and reaffirming that we will be here with a safe space to learn, do, create, and appreciate art for future generations. Your brick will be placed on the south side of the Meadowview Building. This creates an inviting space for the community to mingle and enjoy a new sculpture and pollinator garden. Your purchase of a brick leaves you a lasting legacy at our Fletcher Farm Campus and also supports our new programming in 2025 and beyond. Please join us as we pave our new path forward.

Please help us remember where we’ve come from
and support where we are going.

As we look forward, we also want to remember those who created our legacy. YOU! You have been such an important part of who we are.

First Name
Last Name
Email (to approve message before engraving)
Phone Number
Choose Brick Color

Choose Layout
Message: Add 3-line (1 brick) or 6-line (2-brick array) message below using all capital letters, numbers or symbols, 18 characters and spaces per line
Lines 4-6 for 2-brick array only
Confirm Before Submitting

Additional Options Available
Send me a:

Donation Order Total
Choose Payment Method
Thank you for your brick request. Your oder is not complete until payment is received. Your submitted form is being reviewed and you will receive a confirmation before engraving. Please proceed to payment to complete your order. Thank you for supporting Fletcher Farm School and Society of Vermont Artists & Craftsmen with your donation!
There has been an error while submitting the form. Please verify all form fields again. If the problem persists, call +1.802.228.8770 or email

Color Options

Color samples may vary due to computer/device screens and printers.

Color sample of Nutmeg brick

4×8 Color: Nutmeg

Color sample of Chestnut Hill brick

4×8 Color: Chestnut Hill

Sample Array

Sample above is an
8×8 Array
(2 4×8 bricks)
with sample
characters & spaces

Message Requirements

  • 3 Lines Maximum per Brick
  • 18 Characters and Space per Line
  • Capital Letters Only
  • Symbols are Considered One Space (e.g. period, comma, dash)
  • All Text is Centered (unless otherwise noted)