We’ve started planning
We’ve pressed pause on our typical programs through 2024. As our neighborhoods have changed in recent years, so has how our world operates as we’ve adjusted to a new environment. We recognize that our organization needs to change too. This is the inspiration that brought us to this moment.
A small team is working with a consulting firm to help determine where we go in the future. This will include analyzing our communities looking at access to the arts in the Okemo Valley. We’ll also be conducting surveys, focus groups, and interviews to get a deeper understanding of how we can best serve our community. This is an eight month process that will officially begin in May.
An organized steering committee will give feedback to the team and present the findings to the board of directors. A membership meeting followed by news released to the press will share our vision for a financially sustainable future that let’s everyone…
You are part of this
After a membership vote, we will begin the implementation process. This includes setting measurable goals with incremental targets and working from a plan that operates as our roadmap. Creating this level of detail allows us to monitor our progress and make adjustments as we are in action.

Closing the loop
Every program can now be monitored and we can adjust faster. As a member organization, we will all be able to see the progress and celebrate our successes knowing that we are moving ahead in the right direction.
At the end of each program, we will be able to assess our results and compare them to our goals. Most importantly we will have the information to make decisions based on the data and then make incremental adjustments to keep reaching for our vision.